Kameshwar Sahai Bhargava Award

Name Affiliation Photograph Description
Prof. K Riji John Vice Chancellor, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Panangad Kochi, India A graduate and a postgraduate in fisheries, Dr. Riji John took his PhD from the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK in Fish Virology under Commonwealth Scholarship and completed Postdoc from the University of Maryland under FAO fellowship. He started his academic career in 1990 as Assistant Professor in the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University. Since 2007, he served as Professor in the Department of Aquaculture, Head, Department of Fish Pathology and Health Management, Chair, School of Aquaculture in the Tamil Nadu Fisheries University and Dean (Fisheries), KUFOS, Kochi, before taking over as Vice Chancellor, KUFOS. 
He has operated several collaborative projects including Indo-Norwegian DBT-RCN and multinational project under Newton Fund Global Research Partnership (GRP) in Aquaculture jointly funded by BBSRC, UK and DBT, India. His team has reported genotyping of WSSV and its genomic and pathogenicity variations due to passaging. He established cell lines from freshwater, brackishwater and marine fishes and characterised six new fish viruses and reported whole genome sequence of a new strain of WSSV and three pathogenic vibrio species among others.   
He served in different National and international bodies such as Member, Task Force Committee, DBT, Govt. of India; President, PFGF; Member, Expert Group, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI; Observer, Executive Committee, FHS, Asian Fisheries Society, Member RAC, CIFA among others. He has over 120 publications as research articles in national and international journals, research abstracts, book chapters, research notes etc. He has won awards such as Best Teacher, Best Researcher, Best Paper Awards and also travel grants. For academic and research purposes he visited eleven countries including France, Norway, Malawi, Austria and China.
Prof. V. K. Baranwal Advanced Centre for Plant Virology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi - 110012, India
Email: vbaranwal2001@yahoo.com
Mobile No: 9818756899
Dr Baranwal completed his Master of Science in Botany in 1981 with first rank and Ph.D. in Botany-Virology in 1989 from Lucknow University, India. He joined as Scientist in 1985 through Agriculture Research Service of ICAR and served at different research institutions   before his placement at the Division of Plant Pathology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi in 1999 where he served as Senior Scientist, Principal Scientist, Professor and In-charge Plant Virology Unit before his appointment as ICAR-National Professor in February 2022. He received DBT Overseas Associateship to work at Biotech Centre, the State University of New Jersey, USA for a year in 2000-01. He has led several research programmes funded by different government agencies and has made significant contribution in the area of antiviral proteins, host-virus interaction, molecular and serological diagnostics and management of viruses affecting important field and horticultural crops. In recent times, his work has been focussed on application of modern diagnostic tools such as rolling circle amplification, multiplex PCR, isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification, microarray DNA chip and high throughput sequencing.  His group has extensively contributed on discovery of novel known and unknown plant viruses using high throughput sequencing. He teaches plant pathology and virology and has supervised many postgraduate and doctoral students. In 2018, he was bestowed with best teacher award of IARI. He has published more than 150 research papers in peer reviewed journals of high impact factor and has been convenor for bringing out a policy paper on production of certified quality planting material of fruit crops by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He is editor of Journal of Virological Methods and Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India, and National Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Prof. R K Ratho Professor & Head, Dept. of Virology, PGIMER, Chandigarh IN-CHARGE
  • * Regional Virus Research Diagnostic Laboratory under DHR/ICMR
  • * Apex Referral Lab. for Adv. Diagnosis of Dengue, JE & Chikungunya (NVBDCP)
  • * Influenza like Illness (ILI) Network Centre (NCDC), New Delhi, GOI
  • * WHO National Laboratory for Measles & Rubella

  • * Recipient of Influenza foundation of India Oration Award
  • * Recipient of prestigious DR SC Agarwal Oration award
  • * Fellow of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID Fellow, 2017)
  • * Fellow of Indian Virological Society (IVS, 2011)
  • * Novartis Vaccine Award for the epidemiology of Infectious Disease” by the (ISID, Boston, 2008)
  • * INSA Visiting scientist to NIV, Pune ( 1998)
  • * Former Vice President (Medical) of Indian Virological society
  • * Member of Executive Committee of IAMM (1994-97)
  • * Ramalingaswami Talent search scheme fellowship (1985-86)
  • * Best paper Award for Biological Sciences (DRDE Award 2010) with a Gold Medal on “Development and evaluation of RT-LAMP Assay for rapid and Real-Time detection of Swine origin Influenza A HINI virus”
  • * As the trusted reviewer of the International Society of Infectious Diseases(ISID) Boston, USA and European society of clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), Basel, Switzerland scientific committee since 2010 and 2014 respectively.

Visiting Scientist in International Institutes
  • * Dept. of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malay, Kuala Lumpur (2008)
  • * Neuroimmunology, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France ( 2011)
  • * Kasetsart University, Dept. of Biotechnology, faculty of Agro-Industry, Thailand (2012)
Prof. Gaya Prasad Ex- Vice-Chancellor Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut

Prof & Head, Animal Biotechnology, Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (LUVAS),  Hisar, Haryana 125001, INDIA
Prof. Gaya Prasad obtained B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree in 1977; Masters in Vet. Bacteriology in 1979 & Ph.D. in Microbiology and Public Health in 1984 from GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar. He worked as post-doctoral fellow at M.D. Anderson Hospital and Cancer Institute, University of Texas, Cancer Centre, Science Park Research Division, Texas, USA (1986-88). Prof. Prasad has served as Vice-chancellor of Sardar Vallabhhhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, FAO National Consultant, Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, ADG (Animal Health), ICAR, Founder Head, Department of Animal Biotechnology & Professor of Veterinary Virology at CCS Haryana Agricultural University.

His work on bluetongue virus molecular epidemiology, diagnostics and genomic diversity of different serotypes circulating in India and Culicoides vector identification has been widely recognised in India. He also played an important role as part of the team in development of pentavalent vaccine against bluetongue virus. Also made significant contribution in understanding the genetic diversity of animal group A rotavirus G & P genotypes circulating in different species of animals. Other notable contribution includes demonstration of ability of temperature sensitive (ts1) mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus-TB to cause immunodeficiency in BALB/c mice affecting both cellular and humoral immune responses.

He is recipient of several awards including Rafi Ahmad Kindwai Award, Dr. P. Bhattacharya Memorial Award of NAAS, Prof. Vyas Memorial Award of Association of Microbiologist of India, Life Time Achievement Award of Indian Virological Society, Dr. Richard Masillamony Oration Award of Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology, Chennai, Dr, C.V. Canan Memorial Award of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists, J.B. Bhatt Memorial Award (twice in 2005 & 2006) of Association of Microbiologists of India. He has served as National President of Association of Microbiology India, Vice President of Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology, Secretary General of National Academy of Veterinary Sciences, Editor of Indian Journal of Microbiology, and Managing Editor, Indian Journal of Virology. He holds two Indian patents. He is Fellow of several academies and associations NAAS, NAVS; AMI; IVS; IAAVR. He has authored more than 200 publications on different aspects of veterinary microbiology and virology.

E-mail: gprasad1986@gmail.com
Prof. S.M. Paul Khurana  Amity University, Amity Education Valley Gurugram, Manesar, Panchgaon, Haryana 122413, INDIA Prof. S.M. Paul Khurana did his PhD in 1969 and PDF Research in Adv Virology at Kyushu University, Japan, University of Minnesota, St Paul, USA in Immunodiagnostics. Currently, he is Professor of Biotechnology and Head, Univ Science Instrument Centre. Amity Univ Haryana. Gurgaon. Earlier he served as the Vice -Chancellor, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur. Project Coordinator AICRP (Potato) and Director Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla and the Founder Director, Amity Instt of Biotechnology, at Gurgaon Harryana.

He has received several Awards and Honors, like, Mundkur Memorial Award/Gold Medal, 1992; UAS RK Hegde Memorial Lecture Award, 1999; CPRIS Ramanujam Memorial Award, 2003; Ch. Devi Lal outstanding AICRP Award, 2005; UNO-Dr S Radhakrishnan Int'l Award for Excellence in Higher Education Management, 2006; Sir JC Bose Medal, 2013; Prof YL Nene Outstanding Teacher of Plant Pathology, 2017. 

He is also Fellow of National Acad of Agric Sciences, and National Academy of Biological Sciences.

He has 53 yrs of Research experience in Pathology, Virology, and Biotechnology on plant viruses, mainly of potatoes, on the detection & transmission for evolving control measures and maintaining seed health and Published 230 research papers, 105 reviews/chapters, authored & 16 edited books. He has also guided 16 PhDs.

E-mail: smpkhurana@amity.edu
Dr. R.K. Jain Dean & Joint Director (Education)
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI)
New Delhi - 110 012
Dr. R.K. Jain is presently the Dean & Joint Director (Education) at IARI, New Delhi. Prior to his joining as Dean, he served as Head, Division of Plant Pathology at IARI for seven years. He earned M.Sc. degree from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar and Ph.D. from IARI, New Delhi. He did his Post Doctorate from CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia; University of Florida, Gainesville, USA and University of Georgia, Tifton, USA. As a Plant Virologist, his research canvas includes distribution profile and genetic diversity, development of diagnostics and virus resistant transgenic plants (VRTPs) of emerging plant viruses such as Tobacco streak virus (TSV) affecting sunflower and groundnut, Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) affecting papaya, Groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) affecting tomato and Watermelon bud necrosis virus (WBNV) affecting cucurbits. His research contributions could find place in the journals: Virology, Journal of General Virology, Journal of Virological Methods, PLoS One, Virus Research, Plant Disease, Phytopathology etc. He has guided several M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Besides, he has hosted Scientists from Australia, Bangladesh, Spain, UK and USA in his laboratory. He is the Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS); Indian Phytopathological Society (IPS) and Indian Virological Society (IVS). He is a member of the ICTV Study Group Bunyaviridae and has played a key role in the recognition of the IYSV and WBNV as distinct tospovirus species. He has received several awards including Best Teacher Award and Hari Krishna Shastri Memorial Award of IARI; Recognition Award of NAAS; B.B. Mundkur Memorial Award of IPS; Prof. K.S. Bhargava Award of IVS etc.

E-mail: rakeshjain56@yahoo.co.in
Prof. (Dr.) M. P. Yadav  Ex-Secretary, NAAS
Editor, Agricultural Research 
President, IAVMI, INDIA
Prof. Mahendra Pal Yadav, former Director, IVRI, Izatnagar and Vice-Chancellor, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, is amongst the most renowned scientists working in the field of Virology. His major research contributions include the development of indigenous vaccines against equine influenza, infectious laryngotracheitis and colisepticaemia in poultry, isolation and characterization of animal viruses and development of several animal diseases diagnostic kits. Dr. Yadav has also served as Director, NRC on Equines, Hisar. He is a recipient of several prestigious awards and fellowships including NAVS and NAAS. Dr. Yadav served as President, Indian Virological Society (1996-2003); President, IAUA 2006-07; President NAVS(I) 2011-13; FAO National Consultant; Haryana Farmers' Commission Consultant, and since 1999 serving as President, IAVMI.

E-mail: yadav_mp@hotmail.com
Prof. (Dr.) S. N. Gaur Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine,
and Director (Acting), V.P. Chest Institute, University of Delhi, INDIA
Prof. S. N. Gaur is M.B.B.S. (1973), M.D. (T.B. and Respiratory Diseases, 1977), Ph.D. (Medicine, 2005) and now working as Professor & Head, Dept. Pulmonary Medicine, and Director (Acting), V.P. Chest Institute, University of Delhi. He was the Head of the Department of T.B. & Respiratory Diseases. He has been to United Kingdom on Commonwealth Medical Fellowship (1991-92). He has over 33 years of teaching & over 35 years of clinical experience. He has guided 1 student for D.M. (Pulmonary Medicine), 32 students for M.D. Thesis (Pulmonary Medicine). Prof. Gaur is Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians (USA) from 1982 ; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (USA) from 2005; National College of Chest Physicians (India) from 1982 – its Secretary from 1988; Indian College of Allergy, Asthma & Applied Immunology (Previously called Allergy & Applied Immunology) from 1981– its Treasurer from 1986 to 1991, Vice-President in 1997, Editor from 2002; American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (USA) from 2005, National Academy of Medical Sciences (2008), International Medical Sciences Academy (2010).

Prof. Gaur has received Awards like -- R.C. Garg Award of the Tuberculosis Association of India (1995); Koch’s Discovery of Tubercular Bacilli Centenary Oration of T.B. association of U.P. (1996) ; N.C.C.P.(I) – Cipla Chest Oration of N.C.C..P.(I) (1998) ; D.N. Shivpuri Memorial Oration of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma & immunology (1999); D.M.A. Appreciation award for services to Medical Profession conferred on Doctor’s Day (1998); G.S. Reddy Pondicherry Oration of Geriatric Society of India (2003), R. V. Memorial Oration of NCCP(I) (2004), Dr. Mohd. Abu Moezuddin Oration of I.M.A. (UP), Allahabad (2006), Ranbaxy Robert Koch Oration of Tuberculosis Association of India (2006), J. J. Rao Oration of The Geriatric Society of India (2011), IFICON 2012 Oration of the Influenza Foundation of India (2012), Agnihotri-Jamil Oration of K.G.M.C., Lucknow (2012).

Prof. Gaur has been the Associate Editor of Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (Previously called Allergy and Applied Immunology) from 1996 to 2001 and Editor from 2002. He is member of the Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences and Editor – in –Chief from 2011and on Editorial board of other National journals. He is Overseas Reviewer of the Journal CHEST from 2005, and of Saudi Medical Journal from 2005.

Prof. Gaur has over 218 original scientific Publications in International & National journals including Books, Chapters in books. Prof. Gaur is well known in the field of Respiratory Medicine with special interest in Respiratory Allergy, Mycotic diseases of lung (including rare fungal diseases), Pulmonary rehabilitation in Asthma, COPD. ILD, Epidemiology of Asthma and Rhinitis, Comparative studies of various drugs in asthma and COPD, Tuberculosis including MDR-TB, etc.

E-mail: sngaur@yahoo.com
Prof. Narayan Rishi Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology, Noida, UP, INDIA Prof. Narayan Rishi, Ph. D. Post-Doctoral in Electron Microscopy of Phytoplasmas/Viruses/ Diseases at University of Tokyo, Japan.

Formerly Professor of Virology & Head, Department of Plant Pathology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. At present Professor at Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology, Noida, UP, INDIA. He has specialization in Virology and Biotechnology (Tissue Culture, Molecular Biology, and Genetic Engineering). He has 45 years of research experience on viral and phytoplasmal diseases of vegetables, pulses, sugarcane and cotton with special reference to molecular studies, detection, diagnosis, generation of virus resistant GM plants, virus free plants through tissue culture, and eco-friendly management, has published 160 (including research papers, reviews, chapters, manual, books and popular articles). Accorded with eminent several honors like McKnight, Develop International, USA 2001, President, Indian Virological Society (2004-2008) & President, Indian Society of Plant Pathologists (2002-2003), Prof. S. N. Das Gupta Memorial Lecture Award, 2003 & Prof. M. V. Nayudu Memorial Award, 2010 Has been Principal Investigator of eight projects funded by Indian and Foreign Funding Agencies out of which three were mega projects.

He has 36 years of teaching experience (UG, PG and PhD classes) & Extended expert advisory services to the extension scientists, agriculture development officers and other government and private agencies and farming community through personal discussions, lectures and mass communication media like All India Radio and Doordarshan.

E-mail: narayan.rishi@gmail.com; nrishi@amity.edu
Dr. Bhudev Chandra Das Director
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research (ACBR)
University of Delhi (North Campus), Delhi, INDIA
Dr. Bhudev Chandra Das obtained his B.Sc. (Hons) and B.Ed (Sc.) from Bhubaneshwar. He did his M.Sc. and Ph.D. under the guidance of Professor T. Sharma, FNA, from BHU, Varanasi and published his first paper in Nature. In 1982 he joined, as Research Officer at Cytology Research Centre (ICMR), New Delhi. He worked on Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Cervical Cancer. He served as Director of Institute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology (ICMR) at Noida. In 2008 Dr. Das moved to Delhi University as Prof. Gurbaksh Singh Chair Professor and later became Director there in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research in 2010 and continued till 2014. After retirement from DU, he joined Amity University as Chairman & Hargobind Khorana Chair Professor and created a new Amity Institute of Molecular Medicine & Stem Cell Research. Dr. Das’s major areas of research are transcriptional regulation, molecular epidemiology, cancer stem cell biology and cancer drug discovery and delivery.

Dr. Das is the recipient of Dr. B.C. Roy National Award of Medical Council of India; Sandoz Oration Award of ICMR. He has also received Ranbaxy Research Award; ICMR’s Dr. P.N. Wahi Award; Ramniklal J Kinarivala Cancer Research Award of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute, Ahmedabad; Dr. Pran Nath Chhuttani Oration Award of National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. FICCI award and SAASCR award of Society for American Asian Scientists in cancer research. Dr. Das is a fellow of all four national science and medical academies – FNA, FASc, FNASc & FAMS. He is a Fellow of International Union against Cancer (UICC), Geneva. He has been honored with the J.C. Bose National Fellowship of DST (2008-2016).

Dr. Das and have undergone successful clinical trial by DBT and ICMR for early clearance of HPV infection. Dr. Das and his group is engaged in developing a second generation novel India specific HPV DNA vaccine. He is now engaged in studying transcriptional control of HPV and developing triple conjugate drugs to target cancer stem cells. Dr. Das has published more than 200 research papers in high impact journals including Nature, Lancet, Nucleic Acid Research and Clinical Cancer Research; has two patents, and mentored 35 Ph.D. and 78 MD/MS/DNB/DM students. He was a WHO advisor from South East (SE) Asian region for Global HPV vaccine programme. He was elected President of Indian Association for Cancer Research (2006-2009).

E-mail: bcdas48@hotmail.com, dasbc@acbr.du.ac.in
Prof. A.K. Prasad HOD, Respiratory Virology, V Patel Chest Institute, New Delhi, INDIA Prof. A.K. Prasad obtained his graduation from Bihar University, Patna in 1958; Post graduation from Madras University 1961, and PhD from Leeds, United Kingdom. He was Prof. & HOD at V. Patel Chest Institute, Delhi University, Delhi (1972-2002). He is member in many Professional Societies, such as: Association of Microbiologist of India, India Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists. Society for General Microbiologists (London) etc. He is having fellowship of several scientific communities and associations. He has privilege of submitting first Doctorate thesis in Virology from School of Medicine, University of Leeds (1971). He has published 60 papers in National and International Journals of repute & Attended over 60 National and International conferences. Dr. Prasad has made significant contributions to the understanding of human respiratory viral infections by investigating Acute and chronic respiratory diseases in Children and adults due to respiratory viruses.

 He published Book on “Influenza and its Global Public Health” along with many chapters.

WHO Assignments:
  1. • 1998: Consultant to attend S E Pacific congress on Influenza to represent India at Hanoi (Vietnam) 
  2. • 1999: Consultant to attend WHO Golden Jubilee Meet at Geneva to represent India on World Influenza Surveillance.
  3. • 2005: Appointed Consultant on Influenza, Advisory Team SEARO, WHO as Advisor to the Seven countries in the South East Asia on Influenza PPP.
 E-mail: anilkpd2004@yahoo.com
Prof. Anupam Varma INSA Emeritus Scientist
Advanced Centre for Plant Virology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi - 110012, INDIA
Prof Anupam Varma, born in Delhi in 1940, graduated from the University of Allahabad in 1959 and obtained M.Sc. degree in Botany from the same University in 1961. In 1964 he went to Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK under Commonwealth Fellowship Programme for higher studies. He obtained Ph.D. degree from London University in 1967 and joined the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi. He served at various positions at IARI as Head, Division of Plant Pathology (1988-95), Dean, Post Graduate School (1995-2000), National Professor ICAR (2000-2005) and INSA Senior Scientist (2005 onwards). He worked with the FAO of the United Nations for developing a National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria. He has been a Visiting Scientist at the Australian National University, Canberra, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, UK, and INRA, Bordeaux, France.

He has established a strong school of molecular virology in the country, which has provided lead to our understanding of the complexities of the devastating diseases caused by begomo, ilar, poty and tospoviruses in horticultural and field crops. Prof. Varma’s researches have played a key role in developing technologies for the management of viral diseases, through conventional and biotechnological approaches.

Prof. Varma is a Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, National Academy of Sciences, India, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Founder Fellow), Indian Phytopathological Society and Indian Virology Society. He was the President, Agricultural Sciences, Indian Science Congress (1988-89), Founder Secretary, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1990-98), President, Biological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, India (1993), Secretary General, International Society of Plant Pathology (1993-98), Vice-President, International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh (1998), President, Indian Phytopathological Society (1998-99),Vice-President, International Society for Plant Pathology (1998-2003), Vice-President, Indian National Science Academy (2005-2007), Chair, ICSU Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific (2006-2008), and currently he is Chair, National Committee of International Union of Microbiological Societies and Chair, Apex Committee: Technology Vision 2020 for Agriculture and Fisheries. He was the Indian Editor, Journal of Phytopathology, Germany (1989-2005). He was the Chief Editor of Indian Phytopathology from 1992–1994; he is Chief Editor of NAAS Journal (2011- onwards).

In recognition of his contributions to science Prof. Varma has been honoured with several prestigious awards like the VASVIK and Om Prakash Bhasin Awards for Science and Technology, and Millenium Plaque of Honour Award of the Indian Science Congress Association; PNASF Gold Medal Award, 2009; INSA Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Medal, 2010; IPS Prof. A.P. Misra Lifetime Achievement Award, 2011.

E-mail: av.acpv@gmail.com