Shyama Prasad Raychaudhuri Award

Name Affiliation Photograph Description
Dr. Vasanthapuram Ravi - Prof. Vasanthapuram Ravi, an eminent virologist, has dedicated over 40 years to advancing neurovirology and public health virology. Having established the Department of Neurovirology at NIMHANS in 1985, he played a pivotal role in investigating viral outbreaks (e.g., encephalitis, dengue, chikungunya, H1N1, and COVID-19) in India. Notably, he led efforts to set up COVID-19 diagnostic 160 labs across Karnataka and genomic sequencing efforts in India significantly contributing to the national pandemic response. Currently, as Head of Research and Development at TATA Medical and Diagnostics, pioneered the world’s first RT-PCR for rapid identification of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, along with diagnostics for TB, HPV, HIV, HBV, HCV, and SARIFLU. Prof. Ravi’s research primarily focused on viral encephalitis, especially Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV). Dr. Ravi’s groundbreaking work includes understanding viral persistence in the nervous system, immune responses to neurotropic viruses, and developing diagnostic assays such as monoclonal antibody-based tests for encephalitis and molecular diagnostics for viral infections. His research also covers emerging infections like dengue, West Nile virus, rabies, and the neurological impacts of HIV. As an academic leader, Dr. Ravi has held prestigious positions at NIMHANS, Bangalore, including Senior Professor and Head of Neurovirology, Dean of Basic Sciences, and Registrar. His mentorship of over 25 PhD students has shaped a generation of virologists and microbiologists, and his contributions to postgraduate education in medical microbiology are widely recognized. With over 180 peer-reviewed publications (6105 citations, H index 45 and i10 index 126), Dr. Ravi is a Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS), the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc), and a Distinguished International Fellow of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, USA, one of the few Indians to receive this honour 
Prof. Narayan Rishi

Founder Member & Ex-President, IVS

Advisor, AMITY Institute of Virology and Immunology, AMITY University, Gautam Budha Nagar, UP, India

Prof Narayan Rishi, Founder Member, IVS was born on May 15, 1944 at Ajmer, Rajasthan. After his early schooling at Ajmer he moved to his native place Varanasi where his schooling and higher secondary education was completed at Queen’s College, Varanasi. In 1961 he joined B.Sc. Life Sciences, at University of Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur where he came in close contact of Late Prof. K. S. Bhargava, Head, Dept. of Botany and developed keen interest in Virology. After doing M.Sc. (Botany) in 1965, he joined Ph.D. in Virology in 1966 under guidance of Prof. Bhargava and awarded Ph D degree in October 1970. He did his Post Doctorate at the University of Tokyo from 1971-74 and worked on phytoplasma in the same lab where plant mycoplasma was discovered. After returning India in February 1974, Prof. Rishi joined Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow and later shifted to Haryana Agricultural University (HAU), Hisar as Associate Professor of Virology in 1977, where he served for 28 years and superannuated in May 2004 as Professor and Head, Dept. of Plant Pathology. He has immensely contributed to the cause of virology albeit research, teaching, promoting and strengthening Virology in India. At HAU he developed a strong school of Plant Virology and established a well equipped laboratory. Prof. Rishi was visiting professor at University of Hohenheim, Germany, 1993, and Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, 1986. In addition Prof. Rishi worked for brief period in various premier laboratories in USA, France, Germany, UK and Denmark. He was President, Indian Virological Society, 2004-2008; President, Indian Society of Plant Pathologists, 2002-2003; Member, International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses and National representative to Virology (IVS) Division, International Union of Microbiological Society (IUMS). Prof. Rishi became the founder Secretary of IVS for two terms of 3 years each, 1985-1991. He played very important role in formation of IVS in December 1984 at HAU and made untiring efforts in nurturing and strengthening it with full dedication. Now IVS is internationally known vibrant forum of virologists working in any area of Virology. He has successfully organized three international conferences, one international congress and several national conferences, symposia and workshops on important current topics on viruses and virus disease problems. Prof Rishi’s important research findings are : First time identification of the strains of sugar cane mosaic virus in India, its purification and raising high titer antisera which was used in ELISAs and other serological tests, Identification of sources of resistance to important viruses in chilly, tomato, vigna crops which were used in developing tolerant/resistance verities; established genetic variability in cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV), cloning and sequencing of coat protein and movement genes and developed for the first time in world GM cotton plants resistant to CLCuV; first time sequencing and diversity in DNA β associated with some monopartite begomoviruses, identified strains of PVS and PVY introducing partial resistance/reducing severity of late blight and early blight diseases in potato. Prof. Rishi is recipient of Prof. S.N. Das Gupta Memorial Lecture Award, 2003; Prof. M.V. Naydu Memorial Award, 2010; first Prof. K.S. Bhargava memorial lecture, University of Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur 2011 and prestigious Prof. Kameshwar Sahai Bhargava Oration Award, Indian Virological Society conferred upon him in 2014 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. In August 2010 he took over as the founder Director, Amity Institute of Virology & Immunology (AIVI), Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Noida and was given responsibility of developing this institute from beginning. Today in short span of five years AIVI is a vibrant center of teaching and research in Virology and Immunology with M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs. Prof. Rishi is continuing as Advisor of AIVI at AUUP, Noida and is fully dedicated to further strengthen Virology, Immunology and Genomics this institute. 
Prof. Anupam Varma Advanced Centre for Plant Virology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi - 110012, India
Mobile No: 9810217141
Professor Anupam Varma is the Former President, World Society for Virology the Indian Virological Society; INSA Emeritus, Scientist, Advanced Centre for Plant Virology Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
Prof. Anupam Varma (b. 1940), graduated and obtained M.Sc. degree in Botany from Allahabad University in 1961, and Ph.D. from London University in 1967. Working at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India, since 1967 in varying capacities; Professor of Virology, (1984-86), Professor of Plant Pathology (1986-88), Head, Division of Plant Pathology (1988-95), Dean, (1995-2000), and ICAR National Professor, Advanced Centre for Plant Virology (2000-2005); INSA Emeritus Scientist, Advanced Centre for Plant Virology, IARI 2005 – till date; he also served as Applied Plant Virologist FAO Nigeria 1979-81; currently, he is assisting in establishment of the first Agricultural University of Afghanistan at Kandahar.  Prof. Varma has made important contributions to fundamental and applied aspects of plant virology, which are widely quoted and acclaimed. He has established a strong school of molecular virology in the country, which has provided the lead to our understanding of the complexities of the devastating diseases caused by viruses in horticultural and field crops. Prof. Varma’s researchers have played a key role in developing technologies for the management of viral diseases, through conventional and biotechnological approaches. Awards/Honours: FAO/IAAS World Food Day Award, 1985; VASVIK Award, 1989; O.P. Bhasin Award, 1992; James Wallace Award, Int. Org. Citrus Virol., 1999; NASI: R.N. Tandon Award (2000) and Dr. B.P. Pal Memorial Award (2013); INSA: T.S. Sadasivan Award (2002) and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Medal (2010); ISCA Millennium Plaque of Honour Award (2006); IVS: K.S. Bhargava Award 2007; PNASF Gold Medal Award, 2009; IPS: A.P. Misra Lifetime Achievement Award (2011); Chair, International Council of for Science Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific, 2006-08; he is an elected Fellow of Indian National Science Academy; National Academy of Sciences, India; National Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Indian Phytopathological  Society; and  Indian Virological  Society.
Dr. Iddya Karunasagar Advisor (Research and Patents), Nitte University, University Enclave, Medical Sciences Complex, Deralakatte, Mangalore-575018, India Iddya Karunasagar obtained his Masters and Ph.D degrees in Microbiology from Mysore University.

He carried out postdoctoral research at University of Maryland, USA, University of Sendai, Japan, Natural Resources Institute, UK and University of Wuerzburg, Germany

First Director of Research of Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Karnataka

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) awarded him National Professorship in 2005.

He worked on viral diseases of shrimp such as white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), Infectious hypodermal and hepatopancreatic necrosis virus (IHHNV), Monodon baculovirus (MBV), Hepatopancreatic Parvovirus (Penaeus monodon densovirus).

Since 1999, he has served as member of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological risk assessment (JEMRA). He joined the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of United Nations and was based in Rome as Senior Fishery Officer.

He guided over 30 Ph.D. and 45 Masters degree students.

He was the recipient of many prestigious awards such as Rafi Ahmed Kidwai award, Aquaculture Award from Marine Products Export Development Authority and Academic Contributor of the biennium Award from International Association of Seafood Professionals (Sydney, Australia).

He has over 220 publications in refereed international Journals and an h-index (Scopus) of over 41. He has 15 book chapters and one book published by international publishers. He has 6 patents and 3 commercialised technologies. He has 5 bacterial genomes, two viral genomes and over 4000 nucleotide sequences in GeneBank.  
Dr. V.G. Malathi Adjunct Faculty
Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Dr. V.G. Malathi is Adjunct Faculty at Department of Plant Pathology Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. She has specialization in Agriculture, Plant Virology with 69 Publication in peer reviewed journal, 8-10 projects funded by ICAR and DBT & Abstracts in the proceedings of international and national conferences above 100. She has been accorded with several prizes like Best teacher award 2006 given by PG School, IARI, Prof. Das Gupta Memorial Award 2006, Indian Phytopathological Society, Khwarizmi International Award 2007 & Best ICAR Woman Scientist award 2010.

Her research focus has been on Characterization, diagnosis, comparative and functional genomics of whitefly transmitted Gemini viruses infecting grain legumes, cotton and tomato.

Dr. R.K. Singh Director-cum-Vice Chancellor
Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar-243 12, Bareilly, U.P.
Dr Raj Kumar Singh, PhD (Veterinary Virology), serving as Director-cum-Vice-Chancellor of Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar, U.P. since February 05, 2014, is a noted scientist and academician of high repute with specialization in veterinary microbiology, biotechnology, molecular epidemiology, diagnostics, vaccinology and equine science. Dr Singh also served as Director, NRC (Equines) and VTCC, Hisar, and had additional charge of Director, NRC on Camel, Bikaner and Director, CIRB. He is a NAAS Fellow.

He has developed 14 animal vaccines & 26 diagnostic tests and kits for animal diseases, 7 patents and published 240 papers, 43 reviews, 11 chapters and 02 books. Received 08 National/Society awards including ICAR Team Research Award, 2008; Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award (Anim. Sci.), 2011; Agriculture Research Leadership Award, 2011; and DBT Tata Innovation Fellowship Award, 2013. He has helped in framing national policies for the upliftment of animal health and livestock sector in India.

Dr. Akhilesh Chandra Mishra Ex-Director, National Institute of Virology, Pune Dr. A.C. Mishra did his Masters in Zoology in 1970 from University of Gorakhpur and PhD in 1976 from University of Pune. He has more than 47 year’s research experience. He was director of National Institute of Virology, a prestigious institute of the Country for 12 years. After retirement he joined as Director, IRSHA, a biomedical research institute of Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune. His basic interest is epidemiology and containment of infectious diseases. Incrimination of Chandipura virus as causative agent for highly fatal Acute Encephalitis Syndrome in central India was his path-breaking discovery. He worked extensively on epidemiology of JE and Dengue viruses and investigated outbreaks of international concern like Nipah, SARS, Avian and Pandemic Influenza. Establishment of the first comprehensive BSL3 and first BSL4 laboratories was one of his several achievements. He has published over 170 research papers in international peer reviewed journals and has written and edited several books. He represented Government of India on various international forums. Dr Mishra is elected fellow of Indian National Science Academy, Delhi and Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.
